CFMI Centre de Formation des Musiciens Intervenants

Université Sciences Humaines et Sociales – Lille 3
Domaine universitaire du « Pont de Bois »
Rue du Barreau – BP 60149
59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex
T +33 (0)3 20 41 73 11

DUMI: Diplôme Universitaire de Musicien Intervenant
Two years

ARTS BA – Mediating musician
Open to students having passed their first years of the DUMI
One year (L3)

DUMI preparatory course
“Preparation for entry to CFMI” (University Diplomas as Musicien Intervenant )
One year (L1)

20 maximum per year


Baccalauréat or equivalent, or experience of activity to professional standard.

Sound musical experience, sound technical mastery of instrument and voice, motivation.


Director, teacher and head of research
Jean Jeltsch

Administration and continuing education
Muriel de Poorter

Head of initial training, teacher
Philippe Poisson

Head of professional integration, teacher
Christelle Marchand

The Centre de Formation de Musiciens Intervenants (CFMI) in Lille offers a training unique among European university institutions in that it focuses exclusively on the development of musical pedagogy and practice. Placed under the twin authorities of the French Culture and Higher Education ministries, it is part of Lille University, a leading university of Northern Europe (training, research, innovation).

The CFMI is part of a network of artistic and cultural higher education establishments under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture and Communication and the Conseil National des CFMI. The CFMI sets out to complete the artistic training of musicians who wish to work in an educational and mediatory context (musicien intervenant). It offers a rigorous, innovative training in the course of which students will work to affirm their artistic personality, extend their artistic horizons, and deepen their understanding of teaching and sharing artistic expertise. They will have the opportunity to participate in professional networks as a result of which they can function as a cultural resource in a variety of situations, intervening as practising musicians and mediators in schools and a range of sectors. They will also undertake missions of coordination, supervision and local development.

Project-based learning

Learning, questioning, experimenting, creating: the CFMI takes an ambitious, multidisciplinary approach combining theory and practice. This approach puts the emphasis on individual development and training modules are organised as “project workshops” supervised by the permanent team and regular teachers while, depending on the project, the establishment may bring in outside contributors (artists, performers, composers, researchers, instrument makers, etc.). The training offers hands-on experience in a variety of contexts, notably through the many internships that are a compulsory part of the two-year programme. These may be in schools but also in cultural venues such as museums (Louvre- Lens, LaM, MubA Eugène Leroy, Maison de la Pataphonie), orchestras (Orchestre National de Lille), musical institutions (Opéra de Lille), hospitals, etc.

The CFMI has spacious rooms with a dance space, didactic instrument centre (unique in France), sound studios, recording studios, computer rooms, experimental instrument-making room (ALEx) and equipped stage.