2 rue Verte
59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq
T +33 (0)3 20 61 95 50
Architecture: post-baccalauréat (or equivalent)
Landscape architecture: post-baccalauréat (or equivalent)
Doctorate: 3 years after the initial degree
Architecture: DEEA (3 years), DEA (2 years)
Landscape: CPEP (2 years), DEP (3 years)
Diplôme d’Études en Architecture (DEEA, BA level)
Diplôme d’État d’Architecte (DEA, MA level)
Accreditation for state-diploma architects to practise in their own name (HMONP)
Diplôme d’État de Paysagiste (DEP, MA level)
Doctorate in architecture, architecture with landscape specialisation, or spatial organisation, urbanism
François Andrieux
50 permanent teachers
60 contract teachers
40 occasional contributors
The École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille (ENSAPL) is a semi-autonomous public administrative body (établissement public à caractère administratif), placed under the co-authority of France’s Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. It is one of France’s twenty Écoles Nationales Supérieures d’Architecture (ENSA), and the only one in the Hauts-de-France region, and also one of the only such schools to teach both architecture and landscape. ENSAPL works to articulate and develop the relations between these two disciplines. Half the teaching is project-based, involving hands-on experience which is a constant throughout the study cycles. Students’ outlook is broadened by the study of science and technology in architecture and landscaping, and of the human and social sciences, arts and techniques, which sheds light on the practice of each project.
The school holds that it is essential for architects and landscape architects to have a thorough grounding in research in order to secure the future of these constantly changing professions. The quality of the research at its laboratory, the LACTH, is expressed in the close articulation of four fields of research (history, territory, conception and materiality) in the initial training and in the areas of study that structure the Master’s in architecture and landscape architecture.
In 2018 the ENSAPL campus, comprising 10,000 sq. m of buildings on four hectares of land, hosted:
– 579 architecture students
– 127 landscape students
– 53 architects with the state diploma working on their HMONP (accreditation for undertaking projects in their own name)
– 127 teachers in 6 disciplines
– 11 doctoral students
– 32 administrative staff
– 36 studios, accessible 24/7
– 2 lecture theatres, 13 classrooms
– 1 studio (560 sq. m) for the construction of actual size models
– 1 resource centre with 20,000 books and publications
– 1 computing centre with 200 workstations
– 1 reprographics studio
– 1 Fab Lab comprising a laser cutter and 3D printers
– 5 vehicles specially for touring plots and construction sites
– 1 parking area for cars and bikes
– 1 cafeteria.